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What to Wear after Tummy Tuck Surgery

Are you imagining your new, flattened belly and how you’ll look stretched out on a beach towel in your two-piece? Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez of ReNova Plastic Surgery has helped many patients get the flat stomach they’ve dreamed of, but were unable to achieve with diet and exercise alone. After surgery, you will most likely have many new clothing options available to you — clothes you might never have tried prior to your tummy tuck. Here we discuss what to wear for the first weeks and months after tummy tuck surgery, for a safe, comfortable recovery and for rockin’ your new body after you’re healed.

What to Wear after Surgery

Following your surgery, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez will put you in a compression garment, which is a soft, surgical girdle-like garment that fits over your abdomen and compresses it, which helps with swelling post-surgery. After the first few days, you can take off the compression garment as you bathe and go to the bathroom, however you will need to wear it the majority of the time in the weeks after surgery. Typically, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez’s patients will wear this garment for about four to six weeks following their tummy tuck. Most of the swelling usually goes down after three weeks, though it may take eight to 12 weeks for it to disappear completely.

What to Wear While You Recover

Once your doctor has advised you that you no longer need your compression garment, you will still want to wear comfortable clothing for the next few weeks. Your best bet is clothing that is soft, not stiff, and also easy to put on and take off. Clothing like yoga pants, sweatpants with a drawstring or elastic waist, loose dresses (like maxis) or skirts are all good options. Shirts and sweaters that can be buttoned or zipped up from the front are also excellent choices.

What to Wear When You’re Ready to Flaunt Your New Belly

Here’s the part you’ve been waiting for: you are now fully healed from surgery and your swelling has resolved so that you can see your new, flat belly! Ready to shop for the new you? Most tummy tuck patients find that they are one or two pant sizes smaller after surgery, so don’t forget to take some smaller sizes into the dressing room with you. Skinny jeans and form-fitting dresses are great options for you! And if you’re worried about your scars showing in a new bikini, keep in mind that the scar will be low on your abdomen, and easily concealed by most bikini bottoms. Also keep in mind that, by following your doctor’s post-operative instructions for scar treatment, your scar will most likely fade completely in several months (though it may take a full year).

Do you have more questions about the tummy tuck procedure, including what results you can expect and how long to take off from work for recovery? Let Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez answer all of your questions during a personal consultation. Schedule one today by calling ReNova Plastic Surgery at (412) 638-2391.

Your Mommy Makeover Questions Answered

If you wish to enhance your physique following pregnancy or weight loss, mommy makeover surgery is a great option. This combination of plastic surgery treatments addresses several problem areas brought on by pregnancy and weight fluctuations, including saggy breasts and excess fat and skin on the abdomen, thighs and hips.

In this blog post, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez answers the most commonly asked questions about mommy makeover.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

Mommy makeover is a customized plastic surgery treatment designed to fit the needs and goals of each patient. The procedure can include breast augmentation and breast lift for fuller, perkier breasts, while tummy tuck surgery can be performed to remove saggy skin and repair weakened or separated abdominal muscles. Liposuction can also be included to remove small, stubborn fat deposits from the hips, buttocks, arms and thighs. The result: more attractive curves and body contours.

When Should I Have My Mommy Makeover?

Ideally, you should have your mommy makeover after you are done nursing and only once you done having children. If you breastfeed or have more children after mommy makeover, you risk altering your results from the procedure. Nursing and weight fluctuations caused by pregnancy can cause the skin and tissue to loosen, possibly reversing the results of your mommy makeover.

Is Mommy Makeover Painful?

Mommy makeover itself is painless because it is performed under general anesthesia. Following your surgery, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez may prescribe oral pain medication to relieve minor pain and discomfort.

What is the Recovery Like?

The recovery, like the procedure itself, varies from patient to patient. You should expect to take one to two weeks off from work and your normal routine. During this time you should plan to rest in bed and refrain from housework and exercise. Because your range of motion will be limited, it is a good idea to ask a loved one to help you with chores, pets and children. While the initial recovery period takes up to two weeks, your body will continue to heal in the ensuing weeks.

How Can I Make My Results Last?

The best way to ensure beautiful mommy makeover results is by choosing a qualified and skilled plastic surgeon to perform the surgery, like Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez. Maintaining a healthy, stable weight through exercise can also help make your results last. Moisturizing regularly, not smoking and practicing proper sun protection will keep your skin firm and elastic following surgery.

Do you have more questions regarding mommy makeover? Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez will gladly answer them. Schedule a personal consultation today by calling our Pittsburgh office at (412) 638-2391.

Questions to Ask During Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Your breast augmentation consultation is a time for you to voice your concerns and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding your breast augmentation procedure. Because there are many factors to consider before undergoing surgery (e.g., choice of implant size and type, the procedure itself and what it entails, what to expect after surgery), it is easy to feel a bit overwhelmed. That is why Dr. Julio Clavijo-Alvarez recommends that his patients bring a list of questions and topics they’d like to discuss for their consultation; he has included a few questions in this post as an example of important topics to cover during your consultation.

Am I a Candidate for Natural Breast Augmentation?

At Re-Nova Plastic Surgery, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez offers patients the choice of natural breast augmentation (using the patient’s own fat injected into the breasts) as well as the traditional breast augmentation procedure using breast implants. Good candidates for the natural breast augmentation procedure are typically women who have excess fat stored in another part of their body, such as the stomach or thighs. Women who are looking to drastically increase the size of their breasts are generally not considered good candidates for this procedure.

If I Decide to Use Implants, What Size Would You Suggest for My Frame?

Whether you want a significant size increase or a modest one, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez will help you to determine a breast implant size that will fit both your frame and body shape and meet your esthetic goals. Breast implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc’s) and not cup sizes.

What Should I Consider When Choosing Between Silicone and Saline Implants?

Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez uses both silicone and saline implants at Re-Nova Plastic Surgery. There are advantages and potential drawbacks of each, and these vary greatly depending on the patient’s physicality and their expectations for surgery. For example, some patients prefer silicone implants because they look and feel the closest to natural breasts. Other patients, however, might consider the smaller incision needed to place a saline implant to be an advantage. These and other factors to consider when choosing an implant type will be discussed during your consultation.

What Can I Expect from the Procedure and During Recovery?

Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez can give you an idea of what to expect during your surgery, including what kind of anesthesia he will use and how long the procedure will take. Details such as what you will wear (such as bandages or a surgical bra) the first few days after surgery and how to best alleviate swelling and discomfort during that time can be discussed. You will also get an idea of how long you will have to be off of work or school, and when you can resume normal daily activities after surgery.

What are the Risks Involved with Surgery?

As with any other surgical procedure, there are inherent risks involved with breast augmentation. Though rare, it is important to get an idea of the potential complications so that you can know what to look for, and so that you can make sure you are healing properly. Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez can give you details on the most common risks involved with this surgery — including capsular contracture, excessive bleeding and infection of the incision sites — so that you can be alert to the signs.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

With these questions fresh in your mind, why not schedule your breast augmentation with Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez today? Call Re-Nova Plastic Surgery at (412) 638-2391.

The Most In-demand Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men

With the ever-changing definition of modern masculinity, men of all ages are confronted with images of athletic and wrinkle-free models that define the new standard for men. The gruff, furrowed brow and slight paunch that once may have been a sign of overt manliness has been replaced with a line-free face and a trim, V-shaped torso.

The new standard for masculinity has influenced men in every aspect of their life, from their romantic relationships to their careers. To compete effectively in the dating and business world, where younger men and women often have the advantage, men are increasingly turning to plastic surgery to gain a younger, healthier and more attractive look. The following plastic surgery procedures have proven to be favorites of men the world over.


The number of men having Botox treatments rose 84 percent over the last five years, and this trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Men who want to get rid of fine lines, or even deep furrows, on their foreheads and around their eyes, nose and mouth without having to undergo surgery often opt for this alternative. And since Botox treatments are short (15 minutes or less) and painless treatments that require no downtime, men can have them done on their lunch hour and return to work that same afternoon without any problem. Plus, their new, more youthful yet natural-looking appearance increases confidence and their status as a virile competitor in the business world.


Some men are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their nose and wish to bring better balance to their facial appearance with a rhinoplasty, or nose re-shaping, procedure. Rhinoplasty at Re-Nova Plastic Surgery can re-sculpt a man’s nose by altering its width, fixing an unsightly hump and reshaping a drooping nasal tip, among other things. This change can provide our male clientele with a subtle, though more attractive profile.

Male Breast Reduction

What man wants to keep his shirt on while at the beach, playing sports or during intimate moments with his lover? Extra breast tissue can make some men feel awkward and self-conscious about a softer, more feminine-looking chest. Gynecomastia, a condition that affects a third of men and causes them to have excess breast tissue, often occurs as a result of obesity, hormonal changes or the use of certain medications. In the year 2014 alone, over 26,000 male breast reduction surgeries were performed in the U.S. Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez has helped numerous men achieve a fitter, more masculine-looking chest with his male breast reduction procedure.


Despite going to the gym regularly and eating healthy most of the time, men often find it difficult to keep a trim figure — especially as they get older. Fat deposits on the waist, which create that dreaded “spare tire,” can resist the healthiest of habits, as can extra fat on the back, neck and other areas. Liposuction has proven to be a popular procedure for men who want to get rid of these pockets of fat for a leaner, trimmer shape. At Re-Nova Plastic Surgery, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez offers both a traditional liposuction procedure as well as LASER liposuction, which delivers a wave of laser light to the treatment area to dissolve fat cells. The LASER liposuction procedure results in less bleeding and bruising than a traditional liposuction procedure.

Want to find out more about the male plastic surgery procedures offered at Re-Nova Plastic Surgery? Call our office at (412) 638-2391 and schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez.

FAQs about Body Contouring

Body contouring procedures designed to eliminate sagging skin and unwanted fat deposits have been on the rise in recent years. However, there is a degree of confusion with regard to what these procedures achieve. At ReNova Plastic Surgery, we believe the most satisfied patients are those who are well-informed. Here, leading plastic surgeon Dr. Julio Clavijo-Alvarez answers the mostly commonly asked questions we hear from our body contouring patients.

Is Body Contouring a Good Way to Lose Weight?

Body contouring is not meant for weight loss. Instead, it is used to improve the shape and tone of your underlying tissue and remove excess fat and skin. Many bariatric (weight loss) surgery patients seek to sculpt their smaller body figures by removing sagging skin that no longer properly hugs the contours of the body. Body contouring procedures such as body lift, thigh lift and arm lift can get rid of the drooping skin, while liposuction removes stubborn fat around the body to achieve a more toned look.

Am I a Candidate for Body Contouring?

If you are within 30 percent of a healthy weight for your size or 15 pounds away from your ideal weight, you may be a candidate for body contouring. If you seek to reduce your body mass, it’s recommended you use diet and exercise or bariatric surgery instead of, or before, seeking body contouring procedures such as body lift and/or liposuction.

What Happens During My Pre-Op Consultation?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez will discuss with you your aesthetic concerns and goals, and create a personalized plan. He will also evaluate your overall health and assess any potential co-existing medical conditions that may be affected by the procedure you seek. Your one-on-one consultation is also a great time for you to ask any questions you may have regarding your procedure or plastic surgery goals.

How Do I Know Which Body Contouring Procedure is Right for Me?

The procedure you and Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez decide on will ultimately depend on your plastic surgery goals and concerns. For example, if you seek a flatter abdomen only, Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez may suggest tummy tuck surgery. If you have sagging skin on the abdomen and other parts of the body, such as the buttocks and outer thighs, a lower body lift may be more appropriate. At ReNova Plastic Surgery we offer a range of body contouring procedures, including:

  • Arm lift to remove drooping skin from the upper arms
  • Breast lift to perk up sagging, flattened breasts
  • Buttocks/ lower body lift to remove “love handles” and excess skin from the buttocks
  • Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) to eliminate excess skin and folds on the abdomen
  • Thigh lift to remove hanging skin from the inner, outer and mid-thighs

How Do I Prepare for Body Contouring?

Your weight should be stabilized before undergoing surgery. Additionally, if you smoke, it’s recommended you stop several weeks before your procedure. Smoking dramatically increases your risks of surgical complications.

What Are the Risks of Body Contouring?

Although rare, there are several risks and complications to body contouring. The most common complications are related to fluid collection within the tissues and minor wound healing problems. Other risks include scarring, and numbness. The best way to minimize your risks is to choose an experienced, qualified surgeon such as Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez. He has helped countless patients in the Pittsburgh area achieve their aesthetic goals safely.

How Long Do Results Last?

Body contouring can produce long-lasting, beautiful results. However, patients are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle following their procedure. Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez recommends that you avoid smoking, follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to ensure that your body contouring results last.

To learn more about your body contouring options, schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Clavijo-Alvarez. Please call ReNova Plastic Surgery today at (412) 638-2391.

ReNova Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa